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Account Page Account Page

The accounts screen displays Reckoner organizations and accounts under the organizations. Accounts are one of fundamental building blocks both of your personal finances and of Reckoner. You are not allowed to create transactions until at least one account exists. However, before you can create an account, you need to understand and create an organization.


If specified in the settings, a report is displayed above the primary data of the screen. In the main area of the screen, the organization is displayed and then all accounts under that organization is displayed inset. On the right hand side, the balance of the account to end date of the current range.


In Reckoner accounts are created by first creating an organization. Organizations represent the institutions or physical objects which hold your currencies. Examples of organizations would be your big bank which has your checking account, saving account or credit card, your wallet which contains physical cash, or a cryptowallet which contains cryptocurrencies.

Account Editing

Account Edit Page Account Edit Page

When creating or editing an account, there are a few fields to be aware of.

Required Fields

The following fields are required when creating an account.

  • Organization: This defaults to the organization you clicked to add an account, but can be changed after the fact.
  • Name: Free text name of the account.
  • Multiple Currencies Checkbox: A flag to determine if the account supports multiple currencies. This should generally be left unchecked
  • Currency: If multiple currencies checkbox isn't selected, this is the single currency for the account. Otherwise, it is the default currency for transactions.

Optional Fields


An account identifier is a generalized way to add country agnostic identifiers. Each identifier needs a name and identifier. It could be the IBAN, BIC, credit card number, or any other account ID.


Account alerts are a way to setup ways to check when an account balance hits a level of concern. This could be to notify when an account is about to or has hit a minimum balance requirement or just an accountability mechanism. When creating an alert in a multiple currency account, you need to specify the currency for the alert. There are four other input fields needed for an account alert.

  1. Amount: The amount to determine when showing the alert
  2. Message: The text message to display when the alert amount is hit
  3. Alert Type: Whether the alert is a maximum value alert (account exceeds the amount) or a minimum value alert (account balance is below the set amount). Most alerts will typically be minimum value alerts for accounts like saving and checking.
  4. Color: You can specify a text color for the alert. This defaults to red