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User Options

The options page houses a variety of different settings which might be frequently accessed at first, but will be infrequently accessed once you have the setup you want.


Settings Page Settings Page

The Settings pane hosts a variety of user settings to customize Reckoner. The settings are group into small groups to group common settings together.

Synchronization Settings

Reckoner currently supports only one option for synchronization: Pocketbase self-hosting. When setting up device synchronization, a popup form is displayed for setting up the login information.

Generic Sync Settings

The following inputs are used to specify synchronization settings regardless of the type.

  • Enable Synchronization: Toggle to enable synchronization. Can also be toggled off without this popup to temporarily disable synchronization when in low bandwidth scenarios
  • Background Synchronization: In the desktop app, this enables the tray icon and keeps the app alive in the system tray. In mobile, this enables a periodic background fetch of data.
  • Encryption Type: This determines the encryption to be used when sending and decrypting data from the service. By default Reckoner sets this to use the database encryption key. You can optionally specify your own encryption key or use no encryption key. If you synchronize without an encryption key, it is highly recommended that you are hosting on hardware you control.

Pocketbase Synchronization Setup

When setting up Pocketbase synchronization, only username/password login is supported. The following fields are used in the input.

  • URL: This is the base url for the Pocketbase server. Right now this needs to include the base protocol (https 99% of the time) and the base domain like
  • Username: the user you use to login to the instance. If you login with an admin user, a standard user will be created for this device to login to your instance.
  • Is Admin: flag to indicate that the credentials you are using are admin credentials. Using admin credentials allows Reckoner to setup the necessary collections if not already setup and it will create a user for this device to log into Pocketbase. Admin credentials are not saved.
  • Password: the password for the user.

Error Log

Hopefully you should never see this section appear! If it does then some process failed in Reckoner and a stacktrace has been saved. Stack traces are aggregated by day so all issues encountered that day are in the daily log. This would be useful if you are experiencing unexplained behavior and can help in diagnosing the issue.

Theme Settings

Reckoner supports three different themes. This is detailed in the table below and the screenshots in the documentation show the light and dark theme variants based on the theme for the documentation. The other setting is the 'system' theme where the theme is set based on the system setting. This may or may not work depending on what platform you are using and defaults to light if the system does not expose the data.

Theme Background Color Title Color Highlight Color
Light White Dark Blue Light Purple
Dark Gray Dark Blue Dark Purple
Black Black Darker Blue Darker Purple

Backup Settings (Mobile/Desktop Only)

Backup Settings Backup Settings

The backup settings allow you to import and export the database. This section has a button to adjust the backup settings (shown in the above image), a text line showing where the next backup would be written to, a line stating the last backup date and time, and a line detailing if automated backups are setup and how often Reckoner make a backup.

There are several options when adjusting the backup settings.

  • Path: the path where the backups will be written to. This is actually a button which pops up a director selector for your device.
  • Filename: the base name of the database backup.
  • Append Date to Filename: whether to append the current date to the filename. This is required for Reckoner to keep more than one backup, otherwise it is rewriting the same file. If set, the 'Number of Backups to Keep' field is show to determine how many backups should be made before old backups are deleted.
  • Encryption Type: specifies if the backup is encrypted. Options are 'None' aka no encryption, 'Database' which uses the same password as the Reckoner database, and 'Custom' which shows a field to specify the password for the backups
  • Perform Regular Backups: Toggle to determine if Reckoner should automatically create backups.If on, then a selection appears for the Backup Schedule. You can select either daily, weekly, or monthly. This will determine the duration needed before Reckoner creates another backup.

Database and Security

This section enables you to specify application security features. There are only four different actions you can take. The first and most dangerous is to reset Reckoner. This will delete all of the applications data! Be careful with this! The second option allows you to copy the database password to the clipboard. This is useful with multiple devices to enable you to have the same password for all devices. Following with the previous example, the set database password allows you to set the Reckoner database password. This can be done at any time without data loss. Just note that it might take more time for larger databases. Finally, you can set an application passcode. A passcode will prevent other users on a shared device from accessing Reckoner. On devices which support biometrics, biometrics can be used to lock and unlock Reckoner.

Date Settings

This allows you to specify the timezone for all Reckoner transactions. All of the currently recognized timezones. This setting influences the internal representation of dates in Reckoner. Right now times aren't supported when creating a transaction and Reckoner saves every date with a time of 12:00 PM. This is particularly important when entering in transactions across timezones close to then end or beginning of the day.


This section currently only displays the Reckoner version which is formatted as the version plus the build number.


Currencies Page Currencies Page

Reckoner comes with a number of internationally recognized commonly used currencies. Reckoner also supports adding custom user defined currencies.

Currency Fields

When specifying a currency all of the following fields are required.

  • Name: Full name of the currency.
  • Code: Three character currency code, typically from ISO 4217. You can overwrite a Reckoner hard-coded currency which will replace all references of this currency to the new currency. Beware when doing this! This may have unintended consequences if there are already transactions saved using the currency, especially if changing the number of decimal digits!
  • Symbol: Currency symbol. In the case of a shared symbol for multiple currencies include some character to delimitate country of origin. Take the dollar ($) symbol. This is used by the United States, Canadian, Mexican, and other dollars.
  • Decimal Digits: The number of decimal digits required to represent the smallest unit of a currency. Reckoner does not support any non-decimal currency and use of such currencies is extremely rare.


Reorder Page Reorder Page

The reorder page allows you to reorder the screens in the UI. Simply drag and drop elements in the list to change the order of the elements. However, this does more than change the order of screens. There are up to 4 different actions the user can take on an element depending on what it is. From left to right, that is:

  1. Icon (only Report Group or Category Group) - This allows you to change the icon associated with the screen in the navigation.
  2. Action dropdown (only Report Group or Category Group) - This allows you to edit/delete/copy the screen as needed.
  3. Header Report (everything but Options) - This allows you to specify a report shown on top of the page. Most of the example screen shots in the previous screens show a report on top of the screen.
  4. Hide/Show toggle (everything but Transactions, Accounts, and Options) - This enables you to hide the screen entirely from the navigation. This means that for all intents and purposes, the screen is inaccessible. The most common use case would be to hide the Merchants or Tags screen if those screens don't provide value to you.

Editing Category Groups

Category Group Edit Category Group Edit

Category groups include a number of settings. At a minimum, a name is required for the category group. If 'Is required' is selected then you must specify a category in the category group for every transaction that is edited. If you make a category group required, then make sure that you have at least one category in your category group!

Then there is the 'Use Budgets/Limits' toggle. This enables you to setup budgets for categories and use it as a buget system. You must specify the following data points:

  1. Default Limit Color: this is the color when the transaction amount is within the budget parameters. For a traditional maximum spending budget, this is the color the bar appears when the total spending on the category is under or equal to the budget amount.
  2. Limit Exceeded Color: this is the color when the transaction amount is greater than the budget parameters. For a traditional maximum spending budget, this the color the bar appears when the total spending on a category exceeds the budget amount.
  3. Limit Generation Period: the default period for the limit/budget. This can be changed on a per-category basis.
  4. Periods per Limit: the number of periods for each limit. Think of this as a way to setup quarterly budgets by specifying a monthly Limit Generation Period with a Periods per Limit of 3.

Editing Report Groups

Report Group Edit Report Group Edit

Report group creation and editing is fairly simple. The edit field here allows you to change the name and the size of the reports per cell.

Add/Edit Report

Report Page Report Page

This page displays the currently defined Reports available in Reckoner. They are grouped by report type.

Report Editing

Report Edit Page Report Edit Page

Report editing allows you to customize the exact data you want displayed in a report. The most important field is the Report Type. Reckoner currently support three different report types.

  1. Line Graph - This displays data in an interpolated line. Actual data points are shown using dots on the graph with lines being fit ot the data points.
  2. Bar Graph - This displays aggregated data in a bar grouped by a certain category. The graph bars can be sorted by the grouping label, or by the grouping amount.
  3. Pie Graph - This displays aggregated data in a pie chart grouped by a certain category. The slices can be sorted by grouping label or amount like bar charts.